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Showing posts from January, 2020

Ramayana Reading B

1. Brahata finds out his father is dead and that his brother has been exiled. 2. Brahata performs funeral rites for his father. 3. Brahata leaves town to find his brother and tell him to come back 4. Rama refuses to go but gives him a pair of sandals. Brahata also refuses to go back without his father. 5. Rama visits the ashram of many stages and Sita tells Anasuya how she was born. 6. Rama and Lankshama go to battle with a demon who can't be punctured by weapons because it kidnaps Sita. The demon is actually cursed and is connected to Rama. 7. Rama meets Agastya. Agastya receives weapons from Agastya and he offers Rama to stay with him. Rama refuses because he wants to continue into the forest. 8. Ravana's sister falls in love with Rama but Rama doesn't like her back. Rama thinks it would be funny to tell the sister to fall in love with her brother. 9. The sister does not think it's funny and attacks Rama, she also tells her brother about what happened and he a...

Ramayan Reading Part A

Part A 1. Was just an intro about Ayodha. Dasharatha is sad because he still has no son. 2. Dasharatha performed a sacrifice to the gods and the gods promised 4 sons to Dashharatha 3. His 3 wives gave birth to his 4 sons. 4. A well-known man came to Dasharata and Dasharatha offered him anything he wanted. The known man wanted two of his sons for one of his rituals. 5. The known man took the two sons to a forest where they fought and slew an evil woman. The known man then rewarded one of the sons with weapons. The woman's sons came to kill the two sons but the sons killed them. 6. A different king also couldn't have sons so he asked a priest for help. The priest said one wife would give birth to one son and the other wife to 60,000 sons. The king was going to offer a horse sacrifice but it got away so the 60,000 sons went to look for it. When the one son went to go look he found all 60,000 of his uncles dead. There was a certain kind of water the 60,000 men needed for the...

Extra Credit Reading

Krishna and Jarasandha About a king with no son who gets a mysterious mango that when eaten would impregnate whoever ate it. He decided to split the mango in half which gave him two half sons. An evil lady steals the boys to eat and accidentally joins them together. A king takes the child from the evil lady and raises the child until he thinks that the child will kill him. He plans an attack against the two boys and fails. The two boys then go on to fight any king in their path

Feedback Thoughts

Why rejection hurts so much and what to do about it This article is about rejection and how it affects us. Rejection used to just be within a person to person but now in today's age, people get rejected all the time whether its social media, dating app or even not responding to a text. The same part of our brain is activated when we are rejected and when we are in physical pain. But, rejection is usually manifested in pain inflicted on the person's mind by themselves. This has been passed down from when ancient tribe members were kicked out of their tribes for bad behavior or failure. That gene was passed down in the members who weren't kicked out, as the ones who were kicked out usually died. That is why it feels so painful when we get rejected, that trait came along with genes. Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head This article is about a problem that I believe we all face in today's society. listening to those little voices inside of your own head. I believe ...

Topic Brainstorm

The first story I want to retell is the crocodile and the monkey one. I read the story and also did my practice story about it. I believe I could rewrite that story in 10 different ways. So that is one topic that I want to write about Another project idea that I would like to do is Elephants. I love animals and elephants sound like something fun to write about. It says that elephants are the most distinctive animal in India and you can find a lot of elephants in the Indian storytelling tradition. Two stories that involve elephants are Ganesha and his elephant head Link to Elephant stories Another Indian topic that I would want to write about is Karma. Karma stories usually involve a good amount of action. I feel like a lot of Indian epics involve karma since Karma was started in India. I'm not sure exactly how I would want to go about writing the story but Karma would be cool to write about. Link to Karma Last but not least I think it would be interesting to learn and write...

Week 2 Story

The rich man and the robber Once upon a time a very rich man lived isolated in the mountains where he spent his time hiking to the peak of the mountain every afternoon to watch the sunset. After the sun sets he then proceeds to go home and stay there until the next sunset. while the rich man lives on top of the mountain a couple of poor people lived down on the base. The two poor people heard about the old man and decided they were fed up with the lifestyle they were living and decided that they deserved a break. The couple planned to rob the old man on his way back from watching the sunset. On their way up the mountain, they noticed the old man was moving at a very slow pace when he was walking down. They decided to hide behind a tree to attempt to surprise him so that he would not expect the robbery. The tree had many fallen branches and sticks laying all around it, and it was sitting at the edge of the mountainside near the end of the path the old man was walking. A stick suddenly...

Reading Notes The Crocodile in the River

The Crocodile in the River by Vanarinda Jatakas The story is about a man who is reincarnated as a monkey where he lived on an island where he grew fruit. The monkey would leap to a rock in the middle of the river and eat fruit from the trees until he would have to go back home. Also in that river lived a male and female crocodile who saw the monkey-eating fruit on the rock. The female crocodile was hungry for the monkey's heart and asked the male if he could go bring it to her. The crocodile one day then decided to go out and hide under the rock. The monkey came out and saw that the rock was higher than usual and decided to call out to the rock. The crocodile answered and said he came to eat the monkey. The monkey said up your mouth and I will jump in your mouth knowing the crocodile has to close his eyes to eat. The Crocodile opens his mouth and the monkey jumps on it and runs across the bank.

Week 2 Reading Overview

I've decided that I'm going to read the R.K. Narayan's Ramayan book instead of the other one. I've decided to read this one because it seems to be a much modern and less confusing read than the other option. The Lord of Lanka looks interesting because it's about two half brothers who go to war with each other after one of them gets jealous of the wealth of the other A Mother Blinded by Love  also seems like an interesting comic because from the pictures it's a blind woman helping a man in what seems to look like the middle of a war. Ancient Technology - Atlantis and India caught my attention because Old/Ancient technology is very interesting to me because its cool to see how most of our inventions now are just modern forms of previous ones back in time. Rama and Ramayana: Crash Course This video definitely interested me because I really enjoy the crash course episodes. Crash course does a very good job of explaining info without making it difficult to...

Time Strategies

I am very bad at time management and usually, will procrastinate all the way up to the last minute. It's a bad habit of mine and I've been doing it ever since the beginning of high school. I have had to pull many unnecessary all-nighters because of it and its a habit I need to get rid of. I would really like like to manage my time well in this class so I can get ahead and even finish the class early. For the readings, I read  4 Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination by Peter Banerjea and How to Beat Procrastination by Caroline Webb. Both readings gave me little pointers that I could easily apply to my own life and help me better manage my time. Procrastination  For some reason it was saved as a draft instead of published so its not late


I am not familiar with a lot of this stuff and I am very excited to try it out! Most technological interactions I have had at OU are through canvas so it's going to be interesting in trying something else out. One skill that I've wanted to improve on for a while but doesn't directly deal with this class is being able to type faster. Typing Meme


The project I'm most intrigued about is the extra credit microfictions. I'm really interested in how someone can write a story in 10 or fewer words. This is unlike any class I've ever taken at OU because I have never had to write stories or write in a blog. I'm interested in all of the extra credit assignments to help me get ahead in this class.     Picture of Dirk because I didn't know what else to add

Growth Mindset

Before today I have never heard about Carol Dweck or the growth mindset before. The way I see myself on the growth mindset is somewhere in between. I enjoy challenges but also a lot of the time I feel like college is more about making good grades instead of actually learning about what the class is over. I am interested in learning about the growth mindset because I've never heard of it before. One class I am nervous about this semester is intermediate accounting 1. I've taken two accounting classes in the past and those have taught me that accounting really isn't my thing. Cat meme

Introduction to Carver's life

Hi, I'm Carver Ramey and I am currently a junior here at OU. My major is Finance and I would say the coolest part of my major is I got to go study abroad last summer and take a finance and accounting class. The best class I took last semester would be Philosophy because I was able to work ahead and complete the course two weeks before it was due. After I graduate from OU I want to go to work somewhere in the real estate field. This summer I have an internship at a commercial real estate firm in Dallas which I am very excited about. If for some reason I don't enjoy real estate I will probably try and go to law school after graduating from OU. My favorite hobby of mine is skiing. I usually go skiing once or twice a year and I have been doing that for the past 15 years whether it's with my parents or a group of friends. To make sure I keep this streak up every summer I work and save up so I can afford to go. This winter break I went to Crested Butte with a couple of my friend...

Storybook Favorites

The topic of the first story I read was about stuff that happens in a kindergarten classroom. The introduction was very good because it gave me a good idea about what the story was going to be about but also was told in a way as she was in a classroom telling the story to a bunch of little kids. I enjoyed reading one of the stories because my older sister is a kindergarten teacher and her stories are very similar to the ones told in the story. The layout and design of the story was very good because it takes the shape of notebook paper to go along with the kindergarten theme. Kindergarten Shenanigans The next story I read was "A storybook by Youhao". The topic of this story was very interesting and kind of confusing. From what I read the story is about everyone having a soul and when you die your soul goes to the soul god, However, there is one race of people who can curse people's souls when they are about to die and it messes them up. The introduction told a story o...

"Favorite Place"

My favorite place to go in the world is anywhere that I can ski. Skiing has been my favorite thing to do since I was 6  years old and I try and go every year. There is no specific place on this earth that I call "My Favorite Place" but anywhere with snow that I can ski on is my favorite place.                                                                                     Photo of person skiing on snowfield