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Topic Brainstorm

The first story I want to retell is the crocodile and the monkey one. I read the story and also did my practice story about it. I believe I could rewrite that story in 10 different ways. So that is one topic that I want to write about

Another project idea that I would like to do is Elephants. I love animals and elephants sound like something fun to write about. It says that elephants are the most distinctive animal in India and you can find a lot of elephants in the Indian storytelling tradition. Two stories that involve elephants are Ganesha and his elephant head
Link to Elephant stories

Another Indian topic that I would want to write about is Karma. Karma stories usually involve a good amount of action. I feel like a lot of Indian epics involve karma since Karma was started in India. I'm not sure exactly how I would want to go about writing the story but Karma would be cool to write about.
Link to Karma

Last but not least I think it would be interesting to learn and write about Epic battles. Apparently, there are two battles the Ramayana and the Mahabharata that are battles on an epic scale. The website made an interesting point in that if I were to retell one of these stories I could write about animals who fight each other instead of humans.
Link to Epic Battles


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