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Feedback Thoughts

Why rejection hurts so much and what to do about it
This article is about rejection and how it affects us. Rejection used to just be within a person to person but now in today's age, people get rejected all the time whether its social media, dating app or even not responding to a text. The same part of our brain is activated when we are rejected and when we are in physical pain. But, rejection is usually manifested in pain inflicted on the person's mind by themselves. This has been passed down from when ancient tribe members were kicked out of their tribes for bad behavior or failure. That gene was passed down in the members who weren't kicked out, as the ones who were kicked out usually died. That is why it feels so painful when we get rejected, that trait came along with genes.

Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head

This article is about a problem that I believe we all face in today's society. listening to those little voices inside of your own head. I believe that this is a way bigger problem than people make it out to be. This article is a story about a very successful businessman who has a coach conduct interviews on his employees to see what they think of him. Most of the employees said they really liked their employer, but the employer did not seem to care about that. He focused in on all of the minimal comments that were not of praise. He let the little things get to him when he should have been focusing on the bigger picture.


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