The monkey bridge- there was a tribe of monkeys who lived in the mountains and ate off a mango tree. One day humans found one of the mangos in their river and decided to hike to the mountains to look for the tree. When they found the tree they saw monkeys and were going to shoot and kill them. The monkey tribe king made a bridge for his monkeys to escape and they did but the monkey died in the process. The humans built him a temple
The Guilty dogs- one day the palace dogs chewed up the royal chariot. The king found out and wanted to kill every dog except the palace dogs. The chief of the dogs went to the king and told him that the city gods did not do it
The Tortoise and the Geese- a turtle tried to fly by holding on to a stick between two geese. The kids started yelling at them so the turtle decided to yell back but had to let go to talk so he fell and side. The king found him and heard how he died so the king decided to talk less
The fairy and the hare- there was once a hare and his free friends. One day the hare decide that him and his friends Would go search for food but they will give it to the less unfortunate
The Golden Feathers- a poor man was turned into a golden goose. He decided to return to his home where he would give his family a golden feather everyday. The wife kidnapped the goose and took all his feathers. The feathers turned white and the goose ran away.
The young parrot- a parrot would fly to the rice fields to eat and get food for his parents. He was caught but the farmer and the farmer asked him why he would take extra and he said to feed his parents who could not fly. The farmer let him go and told him to eat from his field every day
The empty lake- king fish asked the water queen to refill the lake and she did
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