The one topic I enjoyed the most was the story about the Crocodile and the monkey. I enjoyed this topic the most because I believe it's the most similar to an American children's story and it reminds me of stories I used to read. Another version of the story is that there was a mother crocodile who told her son to fetch a monkey heart for her instead of telling her lover. The son then swims to shore and tells the monkey about an Island with fresh mangos and that he would take the monkey there on his back. The other version had the male crocodile sit on a rock and wait for the monkey to step on the rock. The other version the monkey hops on the crocodiles back and then when they are in the middle of the river the crocodile tells him he's going to rip out his heart. The monkey tells the crocodile he left his heart back onshore and that they need to go get it. When they get to shore the monkey runs away leaving the crocodile son weeping.
Link to alternate story
Link to alternate story
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