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Reading: Hanuman

When he was younger Hanuman grabbed at the sun thinking it was a fruit and got stronger and saved Sugria from an Elephant. Sugria was exiled from the kingdom into the forest to Hanuman went with him. In the forest is where he met Rama and Lakshman. He brought Rama back to Sugria to talk. Sugria tells Rama about the story of how he trapped Vali his brother into a cage so Sugria could take the throne but now Vali has escaped and wants to kill Sugria. Rama says he will help Sugria by killing Vali and letting Sugria take the throne again. Once on throne, Sugria sends Hanuman and the monkeys to go help find Sita. While Hanuman is searching he goes atop a mountain to see someone who is friends with his father. Hanuman finds Ravana's kingdom and watches him and his many wives as he looks for Sita. He discovers Sita for she is the only one not giving herself to Ravana. When no one is looking Hanuman talks to Sita and gives her Rama's ring. Hanuman offers to take Sita away but she refuses because she wants Rama to come and defeat them all. Hanuman starts attacking Ravana's people but Ravana's son shoots him down and wants to kill him. Ravana's advisor tells him not to and instead, they should light his tail on fire. Hanuman runs to the ocean to cool his tail and on the way sets the city on fire and returns to Rama. Rama decides to create an an army of monkeys and bears to attack Ravana. Hanuman captures some of Ravanas spies and Rama sends the back to Ravana as a warning. The two teams start fighting and Lakshaman is hit with an arrow. Someone sends Hanuman to look for a special plant to heal Lakshaman but Hanuman cant finds it. So instead Hanuman brings the whole entire mountain with him. Rama wins and Hanuman pledges to never leave Rama's side

Bibliography: Hanuman: The Epitome of Devotion and Courage (Volume 502). 


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